Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty BrandBook - page 39

Four years ago I joined the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty family. I was
surprisedto learn the amount of technology available. The marketing tools and programs just had me
blown away! Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty goes one step further by offering
most of them for free. We have ongoing training in the office and regionally. They truly reward their
agents for superb performance and is very supportive of my needs and has programs designed to help
me earn more. In our company from the CEO to the support staff everyone truly believes that the
agent is their most important asset.
When I reached the time in my life
to get back to a career, I interviewed
a couple of local brokers and after
speaking with the manager at
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
The Preferred Realty, I knew that was
where I wanted to be. The seasoned
agents were all so eager to help and
we have become a family. The
technology is fantastic. My business
has grown over the past 5 years and
I am a now a multi-
million dollar
Vanessa Augspurger
Beaver Office
Since joining Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices The Preferred Realty, I
have been able to offer my clients superior
service that has in turn made my business
grow immensely. Not only am I able to
offer the most advanced technology in real
estate such as OSA, YouTube broadcasts,
and custom App’s, but also am surrounded
by an incredible support team. They
ensure that the agents know how to
maximize their exposure
with these technologies
and more.
Tara Mruk
Peters Office
Tracy Lee Janov
South Suburban Office
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